Arkansas Administrative Rules

Search Results

The following records were found from your search.

Agency Name SubAgency Title Rule # Date Filed ES E N PS P F RA
4-County (NW) Regional Solid Waste Management Board N/A Regional Landfill Rule pursuant to Act 1280 of 1993 195.00.93-001 09-04-19
Abstractors Board of Examiners N/A Arkansas Abstracter's Board - Rules and Regulations 2014 018.00.14-001 09-25-14
Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program Committee N/A The Arkansas Achieving A Better Life Experience program Rules and Regulations 230.00.18-001 04-24-18
Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission N/A Requirement for the Conduct of Mediations and Mediators -- Rules of conduct to which mediators on the Arkansas Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission's Roster of Mediators must adhere. 187.00.01-001 07-09-01
Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission N/A Guidelines for Mediator Skills and Qualifications -- Required before a person can be placed on the Roster of mediators 187.00.01-002 07-09-01
Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission N/A Minimum Standards for Basic Mediation Training 187.00.07-001 02-08-08
Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission N/A Requirements for the Conduct of Mediation and Mediators 187.00.07-002 02-08-08
Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission N/A Requirements for the Certification of Mediators for Arkansas Circuit Courts 187.00.07-003 02-08-08
Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission N/A Continuing Mediation Education Requirements for Certified Mediators 187.00.09-001 09-15-09
Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission N/A Requirements for the Certification of Mediator for Arkansas Circuit Courts 187.00.09-002 09-15-09

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Explanatory Statements

A special character ( *, %, ~, #, ^, <, \\, / ) following an agency name signifies that the name or status has changed in the past. The agency may have revised its name or merged with another agency or division, or a division may have separated to form an independent agency.

Date Filed column indicates date when the most recent action/activity was filed with the Secretary of State. In most instances, this is the date the Final rule was filed. No Final rule electronic copies were filed with the office prior to September 2001 (Act 1648 of 2001). No rule notices, emergency, adopted or proposed rule electronic copies were filed with the office prior to July 2003 (Act 1478 of 2003).


The rules contained on this website are not to be considered "official" copies of agency rules. Official copies of the rules remain the paper copies housed in the Arkansas Register division of the Secretary of State's office. The Secretary of State's office makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the content of the copies presented on its website.

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Table Key:

  • ES = Emergency Rule Summary
  • E = Emergency Rule
  • N = Rule Notice
  • PS = Proposed Rule Summary
  • P = Proposed Rule
  • F = Final Rule
  • RA = Repealed Rule
  • PDF | HTM = PDF or HTML Version of Rule

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