Request for Qualifications 25-005: Website Development
Posted on: 02/26/2025 12:08 pm
Download the full RFQ Document here:
Submission Instructions
This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is a solicitation for background and experience proposals and is not an offer of contract. It is the intent of the Arkansas Secretary of State (SOS) to evaluate vendors on multiple criteria including experience, project team, completed project specifications, proximity, etc. Prospective respondents are advised to carefully read all instructions, terms, and conditions provided in this RFQ prior to submitting a response. Failure to adhere to any instruction, term, or condition may result in rejection of the response. Vendors should pay particular attention to the following:
- Incomplete responses are subject to rejection by the SOS. Failure to sign the Vendor Certification Form by an authorized representative shall render the response invalid.
- The SOS shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the vendor in the preparation of any response to this RFQ or any presentation, should one be requested.
- All materials submitted in response to this RFQ, and subsequent agreements, contracts, or both, are subject to the state Freedom of Information Act.
- The SOS may request any clarifications, additional information, or data during the RFQ review and vendor selection process.
- Responses shall be accepted continuously until the stated deadline and may be withdrawn by the vendor at any time.
- The SOS may reject any or all responses and may waive technical or immaterial errors therein.
- Although as a constitutional office, the SOS is an “exempt agency” under most Arkansas procurement laws, it is the intent of the SOS to adhere to procurement policies, such as those contained within this RFQ, which ensure the selection of the most responsive and responsible vendors experienced to accomplish the requisite scope of work in an efficient and transparent manner.
- The vendor shall submit one original submission with five accompanying copies, along with a USB flash drive containing all required forms.
Submission Deadline
All responses to this RFQ shall be received by the SOS, at the physical or email delivery address stated below, no later than: March 19, 2025, at 4:00 pm CST. Responses received after 4:00 pm CST on March 19, 2025, shall be considered late and shall be returned to the vendor without further review.
Submission Delivery
Vendor’s complete response shall be delivered to the following physical or email address:
Arkansas Secretary of State Attn: Business Office
500 Woodlane Street, Suite 12 Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-2008
Request for Qualifications Questions & Clarifications
Vendors may submit written questions requesting clarification of information contained within this RFQ. Please reference the RFQ number (RFQ # 25-005) in the subject line. Written questions shall be addressed only to:
Purchasing Department
500 Woodlane Street, Suite 12 Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-2008
The deadline for submitting questions specific to the RFQ shall be March 10, 2025 at 4:00 pm CST. Answers to any questions submitted will be provided no later than March 12, 2025 at 4:00 pm CST.
Opening of Responses
Responses submitted by the deadline shall be opened at the following location at the date and time specified below:
March 20, 2025; 9:00 am CST
Arkansas Secretary of State 500 Woodlane Street, Suite 12 Little Rock, AR 72201
All vendors responding to the RFQ shall be notified of the final selection(s).
Download the full RFQ Document at the link below...
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« All NewsSecretary of State Cole Jester Releases Election Security Review
Posted on: 02/17/2025 12:20 pm
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« All NewsJester Issues Secretarial Directive Ordering Review of Election Security Procedures
Posted on: 01/23/2025 2:16 pm
Jester Issues Secretarial Directive Ordering Review of Election Security Procedures
(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – On Thursday, January 23rd, 2025, Arkansas Secretary of State Cole Jester issued a Secretarial Directive to begin a review on the state's election security procedures.
Jester has directed the Chief Legal Counsel of his office to begin a top-to-bottom security review of the elections processes in this state. This review must include an assessment of our strengths, weaknesses, and any potential threats, while remaining concise and accessible to our citizens.
"Elections are the single most critical responsibility we have in this office," Jester said. "When elections are safe and secure, the people’s voice is heard. We have a strong legacy to build on, and we will continue to build each and every day."
All resources of this office will be made available to ensure the review is completed thoroughly and quickly.
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« All NewsSecretary Jester Establishes Business and Commercial Services Advisory Council
Posted on: 01/16/2025 3:05 pm
Secretary Jester Establishes Business and Commercial Services Advisory Council
(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – Secretary Cole Jester has issued a Secretarial Directive to establish Arkansas's Inaugural Business and Commercial Services Advisory Council.
The purpose of the council is to bring together Arkansas business minds to collaborate on ideas to improve and streamline the processes of he Business and Commercial Services Division of the Arkansas Secretary of State's Office.
"In my office, we believe that business, not government, is the backbone of the Arkansas way of life," Jester said. "A government should be by the people, and for the people. I look forward to working with passionate and skilled Arkansas business leaders to make government efficiency a reality."
The council, consisting of individuals appointed by the Secretary of State, will convene to discuss how the Arkansas Secretary of State’s Office can better serve Arkansas businesses. When assembled, the council will select a chairman among its members who will be primarily responsible for overseeing the administration of the council, subject to the ultimate authority of the Secretary of State. Each council member will serve for a one year term. The chairman will submit the council’s proposals to the Secretary of State’s Office for evaluation and, if feasible, implementation.
Members of the council will be determined within the next 90 days.
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« All NewsCole Jester Sworn In as Arkansas’ 35th Secretary of State
Posted on: 01/02/2025 2:24 pm
Cole Jester Sworn In as Arkansas' 35th Secretary of State
Election Integrity and Capitol Security are Top Priorities
(LITTLE ROCK, ARK.) – Cole Jester was sworn in as Arkansas' 35th Secretary of State on Thursday in a public swearing-in ceremony held at the State Capitol. Supreme Court Associate Justice Cody Hiland administered the oath of office.
"I want to thank Secretary Thurston for his years of continued service. I look forward to serving the people of Arkansas and I want to thank Governor Sanders for this opportunity. My office will lead with bold, conservative, and principled ideas. I want to make Arkansas a model for the nation in the areas of election integrity, Capitol security, and government efficiency and service." said Secretary Jester.
Jester was appointed to the position by Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders to fulfill the remaining two years of Secretary of State John Thurston's term, following his election as Treasurer of State. Jester will serve until January 2027.
About Cole Jester
Arkansas Secretary of State Cole Jester is a lifelong Arkansan and constitutional lawyer who has been involved in tackling many of Arkansas’s most pressing issues.
Working for Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Secretary Jester spearheaded efforts to stop the Chinese Communist Party from buying Arkansas farmland and worked to reduce hundreds of burdensome government regulations. While serving on the Governor’s staff, he oversaw litigation against Big Tech, focusing on its intentionally addictive designs.
As Secretary of State, Jester is focused on intentional service to the people of Arkansas through promoting election security and streamlining corporate filings.
Secretary Jester was appointed by Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, effective January 1, 2025. He previously served two years as the Deputy Chief Legal Counsel for Governor Sanders. Before joining the Governor’s Office, Cole worked for the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. While attending the University of Virginia School of Law, he clerked for the firm of Friday, Eldridge, & Clark, worked for the United States Air Force, and argued criminal cases in Virginia district court. He also served as the Managing Editor of The Journal of Law and Politics, founded in 1983 by Justice Antonin Scalia.
Cole is a Benton, Arkansas native who graduated valedictorian of Benton High School and summa cum laude from Ouachita Baptist University with a degree in Christian Studies as well as political science. He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia School of Law. Cole is a proud husband to his wife, Elizabeth, and father to his daughter, Charlotte. He is a Christian, a Sunday School teacher, a member of the National Rifle Association, and an avid deer hunter.
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« All NewsThe Arkansas State Capitol Police are hiring Certified Police Officers
Posted on: 07/15/2024 12:18 pm
The Arkansas State Capitol Police are hiring Certified Police Officers. For more information, call (501) 682-5173.