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Request for Qualifications - BCS Online Payment Processing

Posted on: 09/20/2024 9:26 am

Request for Qualifications (RFQ # 25-004) - BCS Online Payment Processing



In our quest for a trustworthy and seasoned third-party service provider to manage our payment processing requirements, our organization places a strong emphasis on security, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. We are actively seeking qualifications from experienced providers who can efficiently and seamlessly integrate with our systems and ensure a seamless payment  experience for our valued customers.

The primary goals of this search for a payment processing service provider are to identify a partner capable of ensuring secure and efficient payment transactions, adhering to industry standards and regulations, and enhancing the overall efficiency of our payment processes. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to engage a single third-party service provider with expertise in developing, installing, and operating credit card, debit card, e-check processing services for our Agency. The selected Proposer will have a two (2) month timeline to implement transaction processing systems and services. They must accept major credit card brands, such as Visa and MasterCard, and E-checks from all participants after verifying fundsbefore approving transactions and must have the ability to process ACH Payments for our agency's needs.*

* See Attachment #1


Scope of Services

The selected vendor will be required to engage a full-service provider with expertise in developing, integrating, and operating credit and debit card processing services. The vendor's service should be capable of seamlessly interacting with in-house Internet web applications, utilizing the latest technology and security protocols, and integrating with SOS applications.


  • Ability to process credit cards, debit cards, and e-checks.
  • Electronic bill presentment.
  • Customer payment acknowledgment.
  • E-check verification services or guarantee of payment for e-checks.
  • API Integration capability with SOS applications.
  • Monthly billing for fees.
  • Compliance with PCI DSS standards.
  • Competitive transaction fee percentage and merchant fees and charges.
  • Disaster recovery and business continuity capabilities.
  • Provision of standard transaction reports, financial reconciliation, and auditing functionality and
  • capabilities to create or provide any additional reporting requirements.
  • Daily disbursements.

The Secretary of State is inviting proposals from stable and reputable organizations with a proven track record of delivering exceptional ongoing customer support and satisfaction.

Interested parties should identify and provide a summary of their organization's performance in delivering services similar in nature, scope, and size to those requested in this RFQ within the last two years.

This RFQ seeks assurance of the following requirements. Discuss your firm’s ability and plan to provide:

  1. Experience in offering payment processing services for organizations with similar needs.
  2. Compliance with industry standards and regulations, including PCI DSS.
  3. Implementation of robust security measures to safeguard against fraud and data breaches.
  4. Acceptance of major credit card brands, such as Visa and MasterCard, as well as Echecks from all participants after verifying funds before approving transactions.
  5. Seamless integration with existing systems and platforms.
  6. Demonstrated track record of efficient implementation and reliable payment processing services.
  7. Proven customer support capabilities.
  8. Financial stability and scalability to accommodate the organization's growing needs.


Submission Instructions
Vendors are advised to carefully read all instructions, terms, and conditions provided in this request for qualifications prior to submitting a response. Failure to adhere to any instruction, term, or
condition may result in rejection of the response. Vendors should pay particular attention to the following:

  • The Secretary of State’s Office shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the vendor in the preparation of any response to this request for qualifications or required oral presentation.
  • All materials submitted in response to this request for qualifications and subsequent fee agreements, contracts, or both, are subject to the state Freedom of Information Act.
  • Secretary of State staff may request any clarifications, additional information, or data during the request for qualifications review and vendor selection process.
  • Responses shall be accepted until the deadline specified below and may be withdrawn by the vendor at any time.
  • Secretary of State staff may reject any or all responses and may waive technical or immaterial errors therein.
  • Incomplete responses are subject to rejection by Secretary of State staff.
  • Although as a constitutional office, the Secretary of State’s Office is an “exempt agency” under most Arkansas procurement laws, it is the intent of the Secretary of State to adhere to procurement policies, such as those contained within this request for qualifications, which ensure the selection of the most responsive and responsible vendor which will accomplish the requisite scope of work in an efficient and transparent manner. Therefore, all required documentation must be submitted, without exception.

The Secretary of State’s Office welcomes responses from small, minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses and does not discriminate against any entity, company,
or individual on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, disability or medical condition, national origin, or veteran status, or any other category protected by federal, state, and local
anti-discrimination laws.

Submission Deadline
All responses to this request for qualifications must be received by the Secretary of State’s Office, as stated below, no later than:

October 4, 2024; 4:00 pm CST

Submission Delivery
Please submit one (1) original and one (1) redacted (pdf) copy to:
Arkansas Secretary of State
Attn: Business Office; RFQ# 25-004
500 Woodlane St., Suite 12
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-8032

Envelopes containing responses shall be sealed and prominently marked with the RFQ number (RFQ # 25-004), submission deadline (October 4, 2024), responder’s name, and return address.
Except for the redacted information, the redacted copy shall be identical to the original hard copy. It is the responsibility of the responder to ensure that the redacted copy is technologically unable to be “unredacted”.

Electronic Submissions, Questions, and Clarifications
Vendors may submit electronic responses or any written questions requesting clarification of
information contained within this request for qualifications. Please reference the request for
qualifications number (RFQ #25-004 ) in the subject line.Written questions shall be addressed only to:

Cedrick Elliott

Opening of Responses
Responses submitted by the deadline shall be opened at the following location at the date and time
specified below:

October 7, 2024; 10:00 am CST

Arkansas Secretary of State
500 Woodlane St.
Little Rock, AR 72201

All vendors responding to the request for qualifications shall be notified of the final selection.


Submission Requirements

The official response packet shall contain all of the information below and shall be modified only by any addendum issued by the Secretary of State. Vendors are advised to check the Secretary of
State’s website for any issued addendum.

1. Letter of Introduction:
Provide a letter of introduction, signed by an officer or principal of the vendor with contracting authority, which illustrates the vendor’s unique abilities to meet the specified requirements of this
request for qualifications. Include the name of a designated contact person, physical address, email address, and phone number to be used for communication related to interviews and vendor

2. Experience of the Vendor:
Vendors are expected to highlight their expertise in complying with industry standards and regulations, such as PCI DSS, and demonstrate their ability to implement robust security measures
to protect against fraud and data breaches. Additionally, vendors should showcase their proficiency in seamlessly integrating with existing systems and platforms, ensuring a smooth and efficient
payment processing experience for clients. A key aspect is the vendor's ability to effectively implement and provide a reliable payment processing services. Vendors are encouraged to provide
specific examples or case studies that illustrate their successful delivery of payment processing solutions and their ability to meet the needs of organizations similar to ours.

3. Project Team (Key Staff):
Identify the proposed project manager who will be assigned to the contract as the primary contact and key project team members and their responsibilities and workload. Provide an organizational chart, current office size, and brief resumes of key individuals outlining their credentials, honors, and years of experience. Please list any preferred partners (professional service providers, contractors, subcontractors, etc.) with specialized experience who are anticipated to become team members. Include potential specialties, qualifications, and years’ experience of any identified partners.

4. References:
Provide the names and contact information for at least three (3) references familiar with the quality of your work of similar nature as that described in the above scope of work.

5. Current Projects:
Provide a summary of current workload, state projects awarded, and recent experience with project costs and schedules.

6. Required Forms:
Submit the following forms with your response packet:

a. Contract and Grant Disclosure and Certification Form
b. Company’s Equal Opportunity Policy
c. Illegal Immigrant Contractor Disclosure Certification Form
d. Israel Boycott Restriction Certification Form
e. Signed Vendor Certification
f. W-9 Form

7. Other Factors:
Any other factors that may be appropriate to the scope of work.



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