Searched for "". Search results: 10
FAQ What are Voter Verification Requirements?
Relevance score of 0FAQ What are Voter Verification Requirements?
FAQ Can I fax or email a ballot to the County Clerk’s office?
Relevance score of 0FAQ Can I fax or email a ballot to the County Clerk’s office?
FAQ What is the deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk for UOCAVA voters?
Relevance score of 0FAQ What is the deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk for UOCAVA voters?
Relevance score of 0
FAQ What is the deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk if done by Mail?
Relevance score of 0FAQ What is the deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk if done by Mail?
FAQ What is the deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk if done by Authorized Agent?
Relevance score of 0FAQ What is the deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk if done by Authorized Agent?
FAQ What is the deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk if done by Designated Bearer?
Relevance score of 0FAQ What is the deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk if done by Designated Bearer?
FAQ What is the In-Person deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk?
Relevance score of 0FAQ What is the In-Person deadline for Delivery of Voted Ballot to County Clerk?
FAQ What is the Ballot Pickup deadline if done by anyone other than a Designated Bearer?
Relevance score of 0FAQ What is the Ballot Pickup deadline if done by anyone other than a Designated Bearer?
FAQ What is the Ballot Pickup deadline if done by a Designated Bearer?
Relevance score of 0FAQ What is the Ballot Pickup deadline if done by a Designated Bearer?