Search Results

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Teacher Workshops

Relevance score of 0
Arkansas History Professional Development Summer 2021 Title: AR History: From Conway to Clinton (and beyond): Arkansas Governors and Government When: July 8 and July 13, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Description: Are you looking for Arkansas History Professional Development? Join Economics Arkansas, the Old State House Museum, and the Arkansas…

Teacher Resources

Relevance score of 0
Let us bring the State Capitol to your Classroom! We offer virtual tours, classroom presentations, lesson plans, free resources for your classroom, and so much more! Follow the links below or contact our Education Team for more information. State Capitol Tours Young Voter Workshop Teacher Workshop Educational Downloads Classroom Presentations…

Games & Activities

Relevance score of 0
Click on the links below to download a variety of fun things to do — from the State Symbols Activity Book to word games and quizzes. Just print and play! Print & Play Activities Secretary of State Activity Book(PDF) Arkansas Trivia Quiz (PDF) Arkansas Capitol Trivia Quiz (PDF) Cities of…

Educational Media

Relevance score of 0
State Symbols Activity Book (12 MB download) Meet the Governors of Arkansas (7 MB download) Protocol of the Arkansas Flag Testament: A Monument to the Little Rock Nine Architecture Detective Puzzle Page Arkansas Constitution

Classroom Presentations

Relevance score of 0
The Education team has a diverse line-up of hands-on, cross-curricular and educational presentations that can be made available to you and your students in the comforts of your own classroom! To request a date, time and presentation, please click the link below. Please send any questions or concerns to our…

Civics and Government

Relevance score of 0
Arkansas & Federal government information! Historical Initiatives 1938-2020 Governor Proclamations Historical Congressional Districts Historical Election Turnout since 1976 New interactive district maps State Senate District Map State House of Representatives District Map Bill to Law Election Research For research results from past elections (since 1976), click here. Additional Civics Resources…

Arkansas History

Relevance score of 0
What was it like to live in this Arkansas territory back in the 16th Century? Are there any similarities of life then and modern day life? Is it pronounced Arkansaw or Arkansas? How many governors have led the state? Find these answers and much more in this section, which includes…

Historical Report of the Secretary of State

Relevance score of 0
Historical Report of the Secretary of State The Historical Report of the Secretary of State contains a wealth of information including information on elected officials who have served over the state’s 172-year history and detailed results from state and federal elections. Essays also offer insight into the state’s history, politics,…

Request for a Voter Registration Application

Relevance score of 0
Fill out my online form. var zfwt04b1vp6czg;(function(d, t) { var s = d.createElement(t), options = { 'userName':'arkansasgov', 'formHash':'zfwt04b1vp6czg', 'autoResize':true, 'height':'773', 'async':true, 'header':'show', 'host':'', 'ssl':true}; s.src = (‘https:’ == d.location.protocol ? ‘https://’ : ‘http://’) + ‘’; s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() { var rs = this.readyState; if (rs) if (rs !=…

More Election Information

Relevance score of 0
The Elections Division is responsible for maintaining the state’s election records, assisting county officials with conducting federal, state and district elections, helps to ensure compliance with federal election laws such as the National Voter Registration Act and the Help America Vote Act, and oversees training on the state’s electronic voting…

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