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Commercial Services (UCC) FAQs
Relevance score of 0Commercial Services (UCC) FAQ Frequent Asked Questions What is a ticket tracking system? A ticket tracking system is a method for reporting problems electronically. When you experience an error, you can report the incident and receive a ticket number. Using the ticket number you can track the progress of your…
Business Services FAQ
Relevance score of 0Business Services FAQ Do I have to incorporate my business? No, there are several forms of operating a business that do not require incorporation. How does my business obtain an EIN (Employee Identification Number) or “federal ID number” for my corporation? The Employee Identification Number is obtained from the Internal…
Email Confirmation FAQ
Relevance score of 0E-mail Confirmation FAQ How do I ensure I will receive confirmation emails? To ensure you receive these e-mails please do the following: Business Entity Filings: Check your Junk folder and/or your Deleted folder. If you are able to locate the email, you may right click on the e-mail, go to…
Relevance score of 0Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) If you have a question, please contact Business & Commercial Services at or by calling 501-682-3409. Email Confirmation FAQs Business Services FAQs Commercial Services (UCC) FAQs Notary Public FAQs e-Notary FAQs Trademark FAQs Corporation FAQs Records Requests
Annual Reports (for Domestic / Foreign LP. LLP. LLLP)
Relevance score of 0Annual Reports (for Domestic and Foreign LP. LLP. LLLP) Choose to file online by clicking the ONLINE link and proceed to file electronically which is payable by credit card. If the filing type is not available online or if you prefer to mail or deliver your filing, click “PDF” to…
Forms / Fees / Records Requests
Relevance score of 0NOTICE: FOR ALL INITIAL FILINGS An incorporator/organizer and at least one officer are required. This is due to our efforts to ensure proper record keeping and for franchise tax liability. Identify the filing type you want (e.g. domestic or foreign corporation, LLC, etc.), from the list below. Choose to file…
Certificate of Good Standing
Relevance score of 0Certificate of Good Standing To print a Certificate of Good Standing online, you will need to search for a corporation. A link will be provided for you to purchase and print a Certificate of Good Standing on those corporations that qualify. This printed document serves as the official certificate and…
Arkansas Constitutional Offices
Relevance score of 0Office Address Phone Governor Sarah Sanders State Capitol, Room 250 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-682-2345 Lt. Governor Leslie Rutledge State Capitol, Room 270 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-682-2144 Secretary of State Cole Jester State Capitol, Room 256 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-682-1010 Attorney General Tim Griffin 323 Center Street, Suite…
State Holiday Information
Relevance score of 0Annual Schedule: 2025 Arkansas State Holidays Upcoming Holiday Bulletins: 1/20/25 | Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday | Color | Grayscale 2/17/25 | George Washington’s Birthday & Daisy Gatson Bates Day | Color | Grayscale 5/26/25 | Memorial Day | Color | Grayscale 7/4/24 | Independence Day | Color |…
Awards & Citations
Relevance score of 0There are times when events or accomplishments in a person’s life warrant recognition or appreciation. The Secretary of State’s Office seeks to recognize special individuals on these occasions. Below, you will find information about the different ways that we do this and how you can nominate someone for an award…